Ciência EPM - Clement Hamani
Em 20/08, na próxima 2ªfeira de Ciência EPM, teremos uma palestra internacional com Dr. Clement Hamani com o título Focused ultrasound for the treatment of brain disorders.
Um pouco sobre o Dr. Hamani:
Dr. Hamani is Research Director of the Hurvitz Brain Sciences Program and Senior Scientist at the Sunnybrook Research Institute in Toronto, Canada. He is Full Professor in Surgery and Research Director of the Division of Neurosurgery at the University of Toronto. Dr. Hamani has 295 published articles, many of which in high impact journals, such as Nature Medicine, Nature Communications, Lancet, Science Translational Medicine, Science Advances, Neuron, among others. His H factor is 55 and his Google H factor is 70. Dr. Hamani is a well-recognized world leader in translational research in the field of neuromodulation. His laboratory develops novel applications of neuromodulation that can be translated and used in clinical trials. He conducts research using neurochemical, neuroimaging, chemogenetics and optogenetics techniques to dissect the cellular elements and the neurocircuitry involved in neuromodulation responses in rodent models of neuropsychiatric disorders. Drs. Hamani and Covolan have previously collaborated in projects to study mechanisms responsible for the anticonvulsant effects of thalamic stimulation in rodent models of epilepsy. They have published several articles and have joint grant applications on the subject.
Nosso encontro presencial Ciência EPM ocorrerá dia 20/08, às 12:30h, no Auditório Brasil Tufik, no Edifício das Ciências Biomédicas / Psicobiologia, na R. Napoleão de Barros, 925.
O evento é aberto, gratuito e sem inscrição para estudantes, professores, técnicos e comunidade externa também.
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Obs.: O Auditório Leitão da Cunha está em obras.
O evento tem como objetivo criar um espaço de diálogo e reflexão sobre a neurodiversidade e as...
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